United Methodist Historic Sites in the Baltimore-Washington Conference

United Methodist Historic Sites are buildings, locations or structures that are
specifically related to a significant event, development, or personality in the history
of an annual conference which have been lifted up to the church as a whole and
registered with the General Commission on Archives & History which maintains the
United Methodist Church Register of Historic Sites.
We have thirteen such sites in the bounds of this Conference, five of which, found
to have significance to the whole denomination, have been designated
United Methodist Heritage Landmarks:
Robert Strawbridge House, New Windsor (Carroll County, Northern Maryland)
Geeting Meetinghouse site (Washington County, Western Maryland)
Old Otterbein Church (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
Lovely Lane Meetinghouse site (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
Cokesbury College site (Harford County, Northern Maryland)
Our other United Methodist Historic Sites are
196 Strawberry Alley / Centennial Church site (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
197 Mt. Olivet Cemetery (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
198 Lovely Lane Church present building (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
248 Stone Chapel, Pikesville (Baltimore County, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
490 Perry Hall Mansion, Perry Hall (Baltimore County, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
491 Robert Srawbridge Cluster, New Windsor (Carroll County, Northern Maryland)
492 Georgetown Cluster, Georgetown (District of Columbia, Metropolitan Washington)
493 Morgan College & Christian Center (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
494 Sharp Street Memorial Church (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
495 Asbury Church, Washington (District of Columbia, Metropolitan Washington)
specifically related to a significant event, development, or personality in the history
of an annual conference which have been lifted up to the church as a whole and
registered with the General Commission on Archives & History which maintains the
United Methodist Church Register of Historic Sites.
We have thirteen such sites in the bounds of this Conference, five of which, found
to have significance to the whole denomination, have been designated
United Methodist Heritage Landmarks:
Robert Strawbridge House, New Windsor (Carroll County, Northern Maryland)
Geeting Meetinghouse site (Washington County, Western Maryland)
Old Otterbein Church (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
Lovely Lane Meetinghouse site (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
Cokesbury College site (Harford County, Northern Maryland)
Our other United Methodist Historic Sites are
196 Strawberry Alley / Centennial Church site (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
197 Mt. Olivet Cemetery (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
198 Lovely Lane Church present building (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
248 Stone Chapel, Pikesville (Baltimore County, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
490 Perry Hall Mansion, Perry Hall (Baltimore County, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
491 Robert Srawbridge Cluster, New Windsor (Carroll County, Northern Maryland)
492 Georgetown Cluster, Georgetown (District of Columbia, Metropolitan Washington)
493 Morgan College & Christian Center (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
494 Sharp Street Memorial Church (City of Baltimore, Metropolitan Baltimore [Md.])
495 Asbury Church, Washington (District of Columbia, Metropolitan Washington)